SfB – Skype for Business Hybrid

You can benefit from all these functions with Skype:
- Online meetings
- Screen sharing / screen transmissions
- Video conferences
- Live broadcasting
- Classic telephony
- Live chat functionality
- Send URL appointment invitations (guest participation via Skype or telephone)
- Whiteboard function for drawing or drafting ideas or shared content
Skype for Business as a hybrid solution
Once you have decided to use Skype for Business, you should think about how you want to use the product. You can either run the software on premises, i.e. in your own network environment, via Office 365, i.e. online, or use a combination of both variants as a hybrid. We are happy to offer our consulting services to help you evaluate what makes the most sense for your company.
Advantages of the Skype for Business hybrid solution
The hybrid solution offers the advantages of both worlds, the classic on premises environment and Microsoft’s modern approach from the cloud world. The advantages and disadvantages of the individual variants vary depending on the area of application and number of users in your company. For example, some companies decide to offer their employees all the new features of the Office 365 world, but want to retain control of individual telephone calls locally within the company. The hybrid solution is ideal for this.
For the users themselves, it makes no difference where the backend is hosted. They can take part in meetings without any problems, even if they access the Skype platform via different servers. You still have the upper hand when it comes to important topics such as access management, data protection measures, network configurations, etc., regardless of whether you use the online version, the on premises solution or the hybrid solution.
Skype für Unternehmen in Office 365
Skype offers even more advantages:
- Easily collaborate from anywhere
- Cost transparency: you only pay for the functions you need.
- Direct number application online, within a few hours or takeover of a SIP trunk
- Easy setup and administration
- better team integration
- automatic feature enhancement (always up-to-date) by the manufacturer, without downtime
- higher SLAs
- secure and central administration
- No hardware and energy costs for the backend
Anyone who has worked with Skype before Business or Lync in the past knows the effort involved in installing and implementing an environment, setting it up, maintaining it and making it available to users. With the solution offered in Office 365 – or O365 for short – you have the opportunity to provide your employees with a fully functional environment within a few hours, including phone number assignment.
New Media Service GmbH offers these services in the PoC area
Of course, you can also rely on us for configuration.
Get the best out of this innovative software product and provide your employees with a valuable work tool. With Skype in use, you can increase efficiency and save costs at the same time. Feel free to contact us for a no-obligation initial consultation.