5  Office 365 Groups

Office 365 Groups

by | 20. November 2023 | IT-Glossary-EN

Create and manage groups with Office 365 Groups

Just like in a classic Active Directory, the administrator can add people to a group or remove them again. Based on the group settings, users are automatically assigned programs depending on their assignment.

For example, an inbox, a team calendar and a document library can be created automatically. If your administrators need assistance with user administration, we are happy to offer our support or comprehensive admin training.

Successful collaboration with Office 365

Office 365 breaks down communication barriers and connects your employees with innovative tools. Thanks to modern technologies, your employees enjoy their work more and can concentrate on the essentials by making their work easier.

New Media Service GmbH offers these services in the Office 365 Groups area

As your partner for Office 365 solutions, we are at your side for the implementation of Microsoft Groups. We are happy to advise you on the use of communication tools from Office 365.

If you would like to find out more, simply contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation. We will be happy to provide you with information on this topic and, if required, take over the implementation and realization for you.