5  Auto Deployment

Auto Deployment

by | 20. November 2023 | IT-Glossary-EN

Auto Deployment automates the software deployment process by ensuring that new versions or updates are installed on target systems without human intervention. This speeds up software deployment, reduces human error and enables developers to quickly and efficiently roll out changes to production systems. Auto Deployment is often used in conjunction with DevOps practices to enable continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) and increase agility and efficiency in software development.

The difference between build and auto deployment

Auto Deployment (Automated Deployment):

Auto Deployment or automated deployment refers to the process by which software applications or updates are automatically deployed to target systems or environments without manual intervention. It is the process that comes after build deployment and enables the automatic distribution of the created software to production or test environments.

Auto Deployment can use various technologies and tools to automate the deployment process, such as scripts, container orchestration or Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) pipelines.
The main goal of Auto Deployment is to make the deployment process more efficient and error-free.

Build Deployment:

Build deployment refers to the process of converting the source code of a software into an executable application or software package. It is the first step in software deployment where the source code is compiled, tested and converted into an executable version of the software.

Build Deployment focuses on creating a stable software package that is ready to be deployed to different environments or servers. This process usually involves the creation of binaries, libraries and configuration files.

Benefits for companies with Auto Deployment

1. risk reduction: By automating testing and validation prior to deployment, Auto Deployment can help identify potential problems early and minimize the risk of unexpected failures.

2. user satisfaction: Because software can be updated faster and bugs can be fixed more quickly, users also benefit from a better experience and higher satisfaction.

3. easy rollbacks: In the event of problems, Auto Deployment also allows organizations to revert to previous versions or configurations quickly and efficiently.

4. faster software deployment: Auto Deployment significantly speeds up the process of deploying software and updates. New functions or bug fixes can be transferred to production in real time.

5. less human error: By minimizing human intervention, Auto Deployment reduces the likelihood of human error in software deployment, improving system reliability and stability.

6. continuous integration and deployment: Organizations that implement DevOps and CI/CD practices use Auto Deployment to automatically introduce code changes into the production environment. This enables continuous development and deployment of software.

Overall, Auto Deployment enables companies to optimize software development and deployment, increase efficiency and remain competitive in an increasingly digital world.

The most important functions of Auto Deployment:

1. automated testing: Auto Deployment includes automated testing to ensure that code changes do not introduce new errors and that the application works properly.

2. configuration management: It enables automated customization of configuration settings to the target environment, including database connections, API endpoints and other environment dependencies.

3. rollback functionality: In the event of problems during deployment, Auto Deployment enables rapid rollback to previous versions to minimize the impact on the production environment.

4. automatic deployment: Auto Deployment automates the process of transferring code changes from the development or test environment to the production environment. This enables fast and reliable deployment of new functions and updates.

5. continuous integration (CI): CD is closely linked to continuous integration (CI). Through CI, code changes are automatically compiled, tested and checked to ensure that they are error-free before they are transferred to the production environment.

These services are offered by New Media Service GmbH in the area of Auto Deployment

By implementing Auto Deployment, development teams can speed up software development and deployment, reduce human error and improve the reliability of their applications. It also enables the rapid introduction of new features and updates, which is particularly important when fast response times are required. If this topic has piqued your interest we are happy to help, make a free enquiry now.